meaning: I will hand draw every single frame using only my pen and a light box, and paper of course.
1500 frames I will draw by the end of the summer and as of now, I have 76 frames drawn, but as I go along I will be more efficient and fast. (right now it takes roughly 3 minutes to draw one frame, I plan to cut that time in half) I assure any of you that my first few seconds of the film will be crappy. I also assure you that my last seconds will be a whole lot better, because I have checked out some books from the library and plan to read and adsorb their knowledge.
I already have a production schedule in place and will keep you posted on the progress, but as for plot details or other things of a creative nature, I will keep a tight lid. I will promise a few rough sketches here and their along with the first and last frames.
and that is what I am doing, along with work and reading books and going to sonic to try out all 25 flavors of their milkshakes. (I already tried their Peanut Butter and Bacon. Left me in tears of joy.)
that's all for now so here's the first frame and I have to resist very strongly to not tell you what is going on and what will happen and now I'm shutting up.
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