Thursday, November 21, 2013

real update and not a show and tell about a recent book purchase

Yesterday, a milestone was reached. I ran out of paper.
But only for a little bit and then I remembered that I had purchased some paper for a class that I dropped, and so only a few pieces were used.
The bigger point is that I went through 500 pieces of paper.
How did I do that?
let's try to answer that:
350 pieces turned into frames
30-ish of bad frames or failed ideas
20 that I used for general drawing purposes (I have one in progress that I will post soon someday)
and then 100 that passed into another dimension where I here a sentient robot is making a robot friend out of paper.  dang. I have to draw that now.

and that equals 500!!!! huzzah! hopefully I won't waste so much of the next 500.
added notes: here is some stuffed, some promised, some are just showing off.
this is what I draw when I watch the Simpsons

title frame. promise kept.

warmup drawing. the drawing equivalent of stretching.
a short animation as a practice for dancing.  things will get better.  Footloose dancing better.

1 comment:

big brother said...

AMAZING!!!! I love the gif!!!