Yes that is a 1976 gremlin model kit (assembled sorta ok-ish. I now have a deeper understanding of that Calvin and Hobbes strip where Calvin builds a model jet and gets glue everywhere) and I am thinking that I should run back to Hobby Lobby and snag up the only other Gremlin in the store so I could convert it into a Space Gremlin.
I should have. I will go back there. I hope no one saw me walking around the store and is now on a frenzied hunt for this unique model car kit. I wish them luck, because they will never find it. I found it on accident and made sure the other one remains hidden.
In the meantime, I have taken this March Miracle as a sign from Strong Bad telling me thus:
Dear Commodore Awesome
First off, I'd like to see papers proving your Commodore-ness, and your awesome-ness.
Secondly get up off your stupid butt and get to work man and get this animated piece of crap out onto the internets, man. The world needs more Space Gremlins. and crap animation.
Spoken through an upainted model of a 1976 AMC Gremlin,
Strong Bad
Man I love Strong Bad, because if it weren't for him, I would have never been introduced to Gremlins until later in life, and by then I probably would have cemented some other lesser car as my favorite car . Thanks and a holy crap Strong Bad.
...and this update isn't much of an update at all.
I guess a real update will be the frame count remains the same as last update because I was waiting for a sign. Well, I got my sign, and I WILL go back and get the remaining Gremlin so I could have my very own Space Gremlin, at 1/25 the actual size.
Also, I have started on my FINAL 5 scenes and once those are done, it will be time for POST PRODUCTION!!!!! yay.
ADDED BONUS ROUND!! I have one or two possible surprises in store that will be pretty cool, but I won't tell so that if they don't turn out the way I wanted, I could just say I was joking and no one knows what the surprise was in the first place, thus no one gets disappointed. huzzah?
ADDED BONUS BONUS ROUND!!!!! I bought a drawing tablet, but I still draw in ms paint. here is one drawing:
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