This gif is based off of my second project for my studio, and it's an abstract project so.....
Ok, so we were told to choose a line width from 4 variations, and the lines had to fit within a 15 cm square and there were to be 12 of them. aside from that, we were told to run wild, woo.
So I chose a 7 cm black line with a 6 cm spacing, and from there, we had to choose a verb and then represent that verb in 4 steps which you will see.
I chose glitch, and I regretted that decision because at the last step, I had a billion different little nubs that we poking through the different lines, and I had to adjust the lines to both get rid of the nubs and still represent my verb.
and then to make this gif I just traced over a less than perfect printout of my steps, and such and so forth.
I'm sorry if I am boring, but my brain is in finals mode, and is barely capable of creating thoughts that don't relate to my projects, all 19 of them due in 3 weeks. Don't worry, I have about 6 of those complete, and the rest save a few are close to being done. The real balancing act is to get certain ones done and printed out before finals week, when all the printers plan on dying. I can hear them planning their funerals and writing out their wills:
"for a musical piece, I want a chorus of freshmen wailing, with sophomores adding screaming harmony and the juniors accompanying with sobs. oh, and make sure that the printer in the computing commons gets my errors when I die."
Heh, I might write a short play base on this idea. I'm sure the theater department will shred it after reading the first page, but if they can't find the humanity in printers planning out their own deaths, then I pity them greatly.
Oh yeah hey here is my gif it's not much but I don't care and after that is my actual project.

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